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The Idaho Environmental Forum is an informal, nonprofit, nonpartisan, educational association whose sole mission is to promote serious, cordial, and productive discourse on a broad range of environmental policies affecting Idaho.

We take no positions, advocate no causes, and endorse no candidates.

Our goal is simply to provide a forum for dialogue from a range of perspectives.

    We are also still producing regular 

    content on Idaho's environment 

    via our online series:  Forum Shorts.

    Membership is free.

    Sign up today to receive announcements of monthly programs and other information. 

    Your contact information will not be shared with other organizations.

    Sponsors are critical to our success.

    Our generous partners have carried us through more than two decades of bringing current environmenal topics to an open forum for cordial discourse. 


    Sustaining Partners:

    Idaho Environmental Forum is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

    Email IEF:

    IEF Address:

    P.O. Box 1683

    Boise, ID 83701

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